Where is the Ethernet cable?

September 22, 2016
Back of iMac (Mid 2011)

Wire Clutter 2Cable clutter in a home can get out of control easily, and fast. Our way of life, when it comes to electronics, changes faster than we redesign our living spaces, and we increasingly require more types of cables and more of them in general.

May it be your computer (electrical cables, HDMI, USB and more), cellphone (charger), tablet (charger), entertainment center or even just a simple television (and a DVD or router connection or play station or all the above and more – cables, cables, cables…), more often than not, we find ourselves with cables clutter taking over our living spaces and their aesthetics. While you may not mind all that cable clutter (but I’m sure you do!), other than looks, it may also become a safety hazard, with all those cables everywhere. Not only can cable clutter be a tripping hazard, it is also a challenge to clean around all those wires. Continue reading →

What is Plenum?

When talking about cables, you may hear the word “Plenum” being used, but what does it mean really? If you want to know all about plenum cable – let’s get started. While “Plenum” may sound like something that may belong on a faraway planet, it actually refers to a space (see the far planet connotation?!) that is usually above a ceiling or below a floor, serving as a receiving chamber for heated or cooled air to be distributed to living spaces. Continue reading

Plenum Space captain-phasma-1132273_640

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Cómo fabricar un cable Ethernet - Cómo hacer un cable ...
What is an Ethernet Cable? (Computer Tech 101)
What is an Ethernet Cable? (Computer Tech 101)
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